Growing Businesses Need to Know These Laws

Growing Businesses Need to Know These Laws

Human resources managers at successful, expanding companies have a lot to celebrate. Growth is a good thing (better than not growing or getting smaller, at least). However, along with that growth comes an increasing number of federal laws your organization needs to...
Are Your Managers Giving Staff the Silent Treatment?

Are Your Managers Giving Staff the Silent Treatment?

Human resources professionals are in the communication business, when it comes down to it. Like other managers, a big part of the job is sharing information with their staff, providing guidance, and listening to their input and concerns. Sadly, that’s an area where...
Paid Sick Leave: Give Your Company a Check-up

Paid Sick Leave: Give Your Company a Check-up

Human resources managers, here’s a scenario you probably know all too well. One of your employees staggers into the office, hacking and wheezing, with barely enough energy to drag themselves to their desk in the morning. They spread the flu or whatever bug has knocked...